Help with Bereavement
How you respond to the death of someone dear to you will be very individual and personal. It may take you a long time to grasp what has happened. It is hard to believe that someone important is not coming back. The shock can make you numb. Death can seem cruel and unfair, especially when you feel someone has died before their time or when you had plans for the future together
Physical and mental pain can feel completely overwhelming and very frightening. You can't stop thinking about the events leading up to the death. You may feel guilty about things you said or did or that you didn't say or do. You may feel anger, fear, helplessness, mood swings, depression. Many people find that it takes a long time to work through all these confusing feelings, but with the support of family and friends they eventually face forward into life again.
Occasionally some people get "stuck" in a phase of the grieving process, perhaps because of what they were unable to say or do at the time, perhaps the anger or some other emotion persists. Hypnotherapy can help them to work through these emotions and find peace.
Christine has had a great deal of experience in helping people who find it difficult to move on. One elderly client had never coped with the death - when he was nineteen - of the grandmother who had brought him up. A teenager had been angry for six years with her friends who had fathers when hers had died. A young woman with a very troubled school career behind her had never realised how guilty she felt when her mother had died shortly after she chose to live with her father at the age of seven. Hypnotherapy helped them to work through their feelings.
The normal process of grieving can take one, two, three years. If you feel that despite support, the passage of time, and perhaps counselling, you are unable to move on, perhaps hypnotherapy can help. You can discuss with Christine how she might help you in a free initial consultation. It is important for you to feel that it is the right time and the right kind of help, so you will be able to go home after the consultation and consider whether you want to make an appointment for a session.